
Fresh new plugins for err

A serie of new err plugins arrived :

A plugin that tells you when the bot saw somebody for the last time. For example : !seen bidule

A smart calculator based on qalculator,  Examples: !calc 5+2 !calc x²+x+1=5 !calc 5 in² = x cm²

It can give you the definition/synonymous of a word. Example !define fish

It can give you the weather at the given location for the next few days. Example:  !weather san francisco, CA

And now err provides a public plugins repository so in order to install a public one just install it by name :
!install err-calcbot

It is uber-simple to create a plugin so feel free to add your own creations and I will add them to the official repository !


"err" a plugin-based XMPP chatbot

Just to let you know we published the first preliminary version of "err", a plugin based XMPP chatbot.

It is based on the long tradition of IRC bots but for a more modern media (Jabber/XMPP).
It has been tested under openfire and hipchat, but it probably runs on any jabber service. It can be used 1on1 or with MUCs (chatrooms).

We love it and the development team uses it daily at mondial telecom with a bunch of custom plugins.

It that can download and start plugins on the fly from git repos / tar.gz urls and developing plugins is quite entertaining so feel free to send me the link to your creations !

The core is there :

A first batch of plugins examples has been published so far, more gonna come as we are cleaning them up.

Enjoy !