
gcp nice tool to copy back from a dd image

You know my brutal trick about defragmenting a filesystem on linux right ?

gcp can be used as a simpler alternative of the rsync -av --progress

It streams the copy and have preserve, so the minimal set of what I use for rsync.


Track git repos in chatrooms with err-gitbot

We just released a new cool plugin for err : err-gitbot

It allows you to follow specific heads of git repos and get notifications in your chat. This is awesome for teams that work with a chatroom and want to follow the current development progress.

Every time somebody commits to the repo for a specifiy project and branch, err will say something like that in the chat :
  Branch master:
    4807cc        Emile Raoul     2012-06-06T14:43:45 -- WHITELABEL-4226 improve getAccountLimits
  Branch master:
    554d9e        Jack Bougnazal  2012-06-06T14:44:12 -- Add string for mobile data

In order to install and configure it, it is really simple, talk to the bot directly and be sure you are one of the authorized admins (BOT_ADMIN list in the general config.py).

To install the plugin just say :
!install err-gitbot

Then to track all the branches of a repo just say with the repo url i.e.:
!follow git://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc.git

Err will extract smartly the name "xbmc" from it.

if you want to follow a specific branches instead of everything just :
!follow git://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc.git Eden-pvr Dharma

If you redo a follow this time simply with the symbolic name you can add new branches to track :
!follow xbmc staging

Or you can remove a specific branch with !unfollow :
!unfollow xbmc staging

Or the repo alltogether
!unfollow xbmc 

If at any point you are lost, you can ask the list of currently followed repos / branches with :

Note : If you have several chatrooms defined in your err config, it will only "spam" the first one.

Enjoy and feel free to improve it  : Fork me on github !
